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Parent Coaching
Entrenamiento para padres


PLEASE tell me if there is a book with instructions on ways to parent!


Do you want to learn better strategies to connect with your child(ren)?

Do you believe that limiting negative reactions will help you and your family connect better?

Is it important for you to teach your kids ways to improve their behavior(s)?


¡POR FAVOR, dígame si hay un libro con instrucciones para padres!


¿Quiere aprender mejores estrategias para conectarse con su(s) hijo(s)?

¿Cree que limitar las reacciones negativas le ayudará a usted y a su familia a conectarse mejor?

¿Es importante que enseñe a sus hijos formas de mejorar su comportamiento(s)?

Do not hesitate and call! No te demores y llame!

Session 1: Assessment and treatment goals with family
Session 2: Home Visit and follow up 
Session 3: Virtual Session and Closure

Session 1: Assessment and treatment goals with family
Session 2: Home Visit and observation/Discussion
Session 3: Home Visit
Session 4: Home Visit
Session 5: Virtual Session and Closure


Call to inquire about payment and plans.
LLame para preguntar sobre los planes y pagos.

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